Thursday, July 17, 2008

Irish Reel Threes - Huh?

I got an email request to explain those "threes" we do for the reel.

So here's an attempt:

Stand with your weight on the Left Foot
Point your Right Foot in front of you

Lift your Right Foot off the ground (as high as is comfortable) - you have all weight on LF
Jump off your Left Foot (and kick yourself in the pants with it if you can) - you are airborn!
Land on your Right Foot - you have all weigh on RF
Immediately put your Left Foot in Front of the Right Foot - you have all weight on LF
Tuck your Right Foot very close behind your Left Foot - you have all weight on RF

Lift LF off ground - Count "and"
Jump off your RF - Count "a"
Land on LF - Count "1"
Step on RF in FRONT - Count "2"
Step on LF close behind RF - Count "3"

Keep repeating until you get the hang of it.

Notice you start the step by jumping from one foot onto the other.

For those of you who do better to watch than read a step:
I don't often refer people to Youtube because there's so much bad and incorrect dancing on there. However, here is a clip of master teacher and judge, Olive Hurley, trying to teach a reel to the editor of Irish Dance Magazine. Pay no mind to the other steps she does - we're not doing those. But do look at how she does the lead around:

Click here for IDM Reel

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! This is handy! Thanks!